"This Picture Please"
After my mother passed away, I
decided to display her picture along with her mother's picture on my
bureau. I chose a picture of my grandmother when she was on in years.
After this, I had a dream one night. My grandmother appeared in the
dream pointing to a watch on her wrist. When I awoke that image stayed
with me. Now, I do not remember my grandmother wearing or owning a watch
while I was growing up. I did not have very many pictures of her. Then,
I heard a little voice inside of me saying" check mom's wedding
album". I proceeded to search for that album. When I opened it,
I turned to a picture of my mother and my grandmother and lo and behold
there was the watch on her wrist. I knew then that my grandmother wanted
me to display that picture of her( when she was younger and on the happiest
day of my mother's life-her wedding day).